We are proud to be supporting the Manchester Women’s Aid throughout the month of March.

Over the course of the month, we will be fundraising in all our North D&D London venues by adding a voluntary £1 donation to every guest’s bill to go directly to Manchester Women’s Aid.

The Pankhurst Trust, which brings together Manchester Women’s Aid and The Pankhurst Centre, empowers and inspires women to challenge gender inequality; and ensures those suffering from domestic violence and abuse can live a life free from fear and access the support they need. All proceeds will fund vital support services for those suffering or at risk of domestic violence and abuse. Including community outreach programmes, women’s refuges, a helpline, a weekly women’s drop-in, support for homeless women who’ve experienced domestic abuse, support for children and young people affected by abuse, support for victims/survivors of relationship stalking, work with healthcare professionals like midwives, sexual health professionals and GP’s to identify domestic abuse, and much much more.

We thank you for your generosity.