We are joining forces with Embassy this June, a charity in Greater Manchester that restores the lives of homeless people by helping them into work and a home.
From 1st June and throughout the whole month, we will be adding £1 to our bills for those guests who want to contribute towards Embassy.
Launched in 2019, Embassy used a re-purposed tour bus to provide emergency shelter for vulnerable adults, however, they’ve progressed to offering rental housing removing the shelter phase from their model.
Currently, they use shared houses but have planning to build a village of 40 homes and a training base. Their resettlement team teach budgeting, shopping and cooking whilst mentoring, discipling and guiding people through a recovery course. Full time employment is possible via 15 corporate partners. They help to find and aid people to sustain permanent accommodation with aftercare, meaning they leave with no need for council housing or benefits.
Read more about Embassy here.
We thank you for your generosity.